Aroostook Pentecostal Church Fellowship presents...
"Wonderful times at camp as a camper and then as a worker in the Canteen. The night services were wonderful. That's where alot of us learned to really worship. Great friends and teachers. A special thanks to Bro. and Sis. Mac.
Whited Bible Camp Memories / Testimonies
We all have memories of Whited Bible Camp all the way from the lake to the dorms, some took place in the playground, while others took place on the ballfield AND we all have testimonies that took place in the Tabernacle. This page is designed to highlight all of the memories and testimonies from all of our campers and staff, former and present. If you have something you would like to share, please send them in to
"You know you have been to Whited Bible Camp, if you sat in the tabernacle when no one else was around and felt the strong presence of the Lord. If you look back over several decades and can still see the sawdust flying, while people were dancing and praising the Lord, while others were recieving the Holy Spirit, and someone else was being called into ministry, while the platform was moving up and downand a song was being sung for the 20th time with even greater enthusiasm than the first time around! My life will never be the same for the times around the altar and in the very presence of my Lord."
"I remember WBC from 1967-79. Great, blessed times of God's outpouring! And, many fun times. Seems like yesterday. Thank you, Bro. and Sister Mac, and Karen and Kathy for being such wonderful Christian examples for us and for taking wonderful care of us and giving us timeless advice. During a service in the Tabernacle at WBC, I was called to and later attended Zion Bible Institute, and am so thankful for the love and guidance you all shared with me. God Bless All!"
"WBC was by far the greatest influence on recognizing God's call on my life to go into the ministry. My life would not be the same without the love and sacrifices the Mac's made. It seems like the most powerful things that God did in my teen years happened in an old Tabernacle in the middle of a bunch of potato fields."
"I'd love to do an 80's reunion and have Tiff (Shuttlesworth) come back. I can still hear him singing, "Let Jesus heal your heart, your achy breaky heart..." Does anyone remember the service that Sterling Lawrence brought the casket in with the mirrors angled just right so when you looked in it you saw yourself? So very THANKFUL for all the sacrifice so many people have put into camp and that people are still willing to see that it's still up and going each summer. The same spirit that I felt so many years ago is still felt there today."
Kathy Macintyre-Gasperowich
"Thinking back for my earliest memory of camp, (and for me that is a long way back, as I was 5 when Mom and Dad started there) Changing the sawdust out every weekend in the Tabernacle to keep the dust down, bathing in the lake before the Banquet on Friday! Crowns made of cardboard and glitter! Metal trays from the Army Surplus! Mining for coins in the sawdust during church. Someone always lost change in the sawdust!"