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Aroostook Pentecostal Church Fellowship presents...

What's Going On At WBC?

Winter Summit 2015

by WBC on 01/14/15

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Merry Christmas from WBC

by WBC on 12/06/14

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Winter Summit 2015

by WBC on 12/06/14

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Thanksgiving Dinner @WBC

by WBC on 11/17/14

If no one answers at the above number - please RSVP with Sara at 538-7678

Teen Camp 2014

by WBC on 07/21/14

We would like to take a moment to say a BIG Thank You to all of our volunteers for Teen Week 2014... We had 105 campers and we think we can honestly say no one wanted to go home!


Our Counselors - Rachel McLean Tucker Fletcher Kaela Norman Christine Waller Sarah Elizabeth Grace Erica LeeAnn Corey Hannah Flagg Hannah Keller Benjamin Ivey Jared Bell Joshua Collins Chuck DiPaolo Ta...ylor Miller and Stephen Perazzelli

Our Nurse - Cheryl O'Bar Goldsmith

Our Teachers - Joanne Dumond Gray Donna Perazzelli and Maritza Calabrese

Our Maintenance - Mike Calabrese and Matthew Dodds

Our Kitchen Crew - Malinda Kierstead Laura R. DiPaolo Doris Sargent Denise Dumont Noel Mickie Ianetta and Nancy Rivera.

Our Lifeguard - Jordan Cummings

Our Support Staff - Billy Pugsley Aaron Holmes Noah Holmes Jacinta Hinckley Renee Watters Cindy Gough Ashley Randall Makayla Crandall Samantha Watters

Our Worship leader - Tony Casey and those that helped from our support staff - and Peter Holmes

Our Activities Coordinators - Bryant Markie and Holly White-Markie

Our Office Staff - Stephanie Bartlett Gray and Laurie Bartlett

Our Kindercamp Staff - Victoria Holmes and Jennah Carver

Our Bible Quiz leader - Nancy Lambert

Our Evangelist - Chris-Amber Cleveland

and Our Directors - RickandSara Sperry Holmes

THANK YOU ALL for making this week not only happen but for making it an awesome one! We truly appreciate all your help, your commitment and desire to be here... We can't wait to see everyone again next year!
*This post was copied and pasted from our facebook page.  The names that are highlighted are friends of WBC on there. We can not change the look of the post on our blog.

Year At A Glance

Aroostook Pentecostal Church Fellowship


** please note date and age changes
July 7-12     Sun-Fri
** Ages : 13-17 **

July 14-17    Sun-Wed
** Ages : 7-12 **

  Family Camp     
July 21-28
All Ages

Merry Christmas
Celebrate the birth 
of our Savior
 and Lord
March 22-24, 2024  
 Friday-Sunday Ages 13-17

WBC Fundraising CAMPaign
March Matchness 
March 1-31, 2024